Was bedeutet ein "Durchdrehen" eines Zahnrads?
2018-06-28 15:30:44 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

I'm asking as I'm reading Sean Kelly's autobiography, where he uses the expression when he and his team were at the front of the peloton, trying to reel in a breakaway:

It was a long, long chase and we were racing like lunatics. I was in my biggest gear and it was spinning out.

Sie können das Durchdrehen auf den meisten Motorrädern wiederholen, indem Sie einfach einen Gang wählen, der für die Geschwindigkeit, mit der Sie fahren, zu hoch ist, und dann immer schneller treten, ohne den Gang zu wechseln. Schließlich beugen Sie Ihre Knöchel auf und ab und heben / senken Ihre Knie an den Grenzen etwas weniger.
Einer antworten:
2018-06-28 15:58:19 UTC
view on stackexchange narkive permalink

"Spinning" your legs as fast as they can go (i.e. pedalling at the highest cadence you are able to sustain), so going as fast as physically possible in the gear you are in.

Usually at that point you'd change up a gear to bring the cadence back down to a manageable level, but if you are already in your highest gear that's not possible so you're at the limit of what the combination of you and your bike's gearing can physically achieve.

When you reach this point you will often feel like you're bouncing in the saddle as you sacrifice pedal stroke quality in order to try and keep you legs spinning fast enough. It can also feel like you have less of a connection with the bike, and by extension the road, as you can't spin your legs fast enough to have any resistance / anything to push against - these two things combined can quickly lead to a lack of stability on the bike. You can see this in action in videos of "roller races" (literally racing on static rollers), where the resistance provided by the rollers is very low.

As an aside, the "Velominati" refer to the speed at which you "spin out" as Escape Velocity.

Gute Antwort - Ich würde vorschlagen, eine Beschreibung der Empfindungen des Fahrers beim Drehen hinzuzufügen - etwas über das Hüpfen auf dem Sattel, weil Ihre Beine nicht schnell genug um den Kreis herumkommen.
@Criggie entsprechend bearbeitet :)

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